AFES Meeting – Hog Roast – 24th June 2015
Meeting info AFES Annual Hog Roast Inn at the Park, near Duthie Park. 24th of June from 6.15pm for a 6.30pm start
Meeting info AFES Annual Hog Roast Inn at the Park, near Duthie Park. 24th of June from 6.15pm for a 6.30pm start
Meeting info Core-based structural analysis of reservoirs – Marco Azevedo, ALS Oil and Gas Station Hotel, Guild Street, Aberdeen. 6th of May from 6 for a 6.30pm start
Seminar info The AFES Carbonates Seminar will focus on the petrophysical problems and solutions of this challenging domain. Speakers come from a range of operators, service companies and academia – please see the downloadable poster for more details Lunch and refreshments included. Price £100 (Independents £50, Students £25 – 2 discounted places available for each…
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Meeting info Reservoir Fluid Geodynamics – Oliver C. Mullins ,Schlumberger (SPWLA and SPE distinguished lecturer) Station Hotel, Guild Street, Aberdeen. 4th of March from 6 for a 6.30pm start
Meeting info The Goldeneye MMV Plan for C02 storage in the North Sea Station Hotel, Guild Street, Aberdeen. 4th of March from 6 for a 6.30pm start
Meeting info The Influence of Clay Mineralogy on Formation Damage in North Sea Hydrocarbon Reservoir Sandstones Station Hotel, Guild Street, Aberdeen. 4th of February from 6 for a 6.30pm start
Meeting info Using Petrophysics to predict Geomechanical risk Station Hotel, Guild Street, Aberdeen. 14th of January from 6 for a 6.30pm start
Meeting info Residual Oil Saturations Station Hotel, Guild Street, Aberdeen. 17th of September from 6 for a 6.30pm start
Seminar info Operations Petrophysics Station Hotel, Guild Street, Aberdeen. 17th of September from 8.30am to 5.00pm
REGISTRATION NOW OPEN – DEVEX is a two-day conference and exhibition which takes place annually in Aberdeen. The conference features two parallel sessions showcasing approximately 40 – 50 oral presentations. For the 2014 event we wish to continue to boost the profile of the poster presentation element with a specific attended poster session and…
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