Meeting info
Using Petrophysics to predict Geomechanical risk
Station Hotel, Guild Street, Aberdeen. 14th of January from 6 for a 6.30pm start
This is the first talk of the season and will show where AFES sponsorship into academia has gone.
Natalie Farrell is a PhD student at the University of Aberdeen and is currently writing up her thesis. Natalie’s PhD project is titled; Quantifying Fault Stability and is concerned investigating the effects of fault rock porosity on geomechanical stability during changes in pore fluid pressure. Previous to this, Natalie was an undergraduate student at the University of Liverpool before moving up to Aberdeen to work for a borehole image consultancy for 4 years. Natalie was recently awarded the Geological Society of London, Tectonic Studies Group, J.G.Ramsay Medal 2015 “for the most outstanding postgraduate publication in tectonics and structural geology”.
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