Aberdeen, UK

AFES Meeting – Reservoir Fluid Geodynamics – 1st April 2015

Aberdeen Formation Evaluation Society

Meeting info

Reservoir Fluid Geodynamics – Oliver C. Mullins ,Schlumberger (SPWLA and SPE distinguished lecturer)

Station Hotel, Guild Street, Aberdeen. 4th of March from 6 for a 6.30pm start

There is a large gap today in the modeling of reservoir fluids which are, after all, the focal point of the upstream oil industry. Petroleum system modeling provides the timing, type and volume of fluids entering the reservoir (among other things). However, there is almost no modeling of fluid geodynamics once the fluids are in the reservoirs. This gap can exceed a duration of 100 million years, and fluid processes with dramatic impact on production can take place.

Schlumberger technologists have launched a new technical discipline “Reservoir Fluid Geodynamics” that provides the 1st-principles description of the dynamics of reservoir fluids in geologic time. In addition, extensive data acquisition via downhole fluid analysis (DFA) has enabled elucidation of many different dynamic processes of reservoir fluids in various reservoir case studies.

Dr. Oliver C. Mullins is a Science Advisor to executive management in Schlumberger. He is the primary originator of Downhole Fluid Analysis (DFA) for formation evaluation. His current interests involve use of DFA and asphaltenes science for reservoir evaluation. He has won several awards including the SPE Distinguished Membership Award and the SPWLA Distinguished Technical Achievement Award. He authored the book The Physics of Reservoir Fluids; Discovery through Downhole Fluid Analysis, which won two Awards of Excellence. He has been Distinguished Lecturer 4 times for SPWLA and SPE.


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