Aberdeen, UK

AFES Meeting – Core-based structural analysis of reservoirs – 6th May 2015

Aberdeen Formation Evaluation Society

Meeting info

Core-based structural analysis of reservoirs – Marco Azevedo, ALS Oil and Gas

Station Hotel, Guild Street, Aberdeen. 6th of May from 6 for a 6.30pm start

Fractured reservoirs form a large portion of the world’s hydrocarbon reserves. However, geologists tend to underestimate the presence of fractures probably due to complexity avoidance and time/effort savings during both exploration and production stages. Characterization and forecasting in fractured reservoirs is one of the most challenging topics in the oil and gas industry

We are presenting a sophisticated and efficient geometrical measurement portable device for study of cores at the well site or laboratory , allowing a non-destructive and highly accurate measurement of both linear and planar structures with significant time savings. Those structures are directly acquired from cores via a 3D digitization method. Posterior re-orientation and calibration with image logs is done in order to get a more realistic reservoir characterization, along with interpretation in order to maximize reservoir performance and knowledge.

Marco Azevedo is a Senior Structural Geologist at ALS Oil and Gas. He is currently taking his PhD at Cardiff University in Structural Geology and Geophysics. He is a member of the Reading Geological Society and an active researcher for projects related to shale gas and structural geology. Before joining ALS Oil and Gas, he has held several structural geologist related positions in Lundin Mining, Repsol, Partex Oil and Gas. His interests are structural geology applied to industry, thrust-and-fold systems and shale gas.


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