Aberdeen, UK

AFES Event – Solving Declining Production – Wednesday 10th April, 2013

Aberdeen Formation Evaluation Society

Meeting info

Solving Declining Production by Spud Basham

Solving Declining Production

As oil is now being consumed four times faster than it is being discovered, the world¹s energy situation is becoming critical. Declining oil production in the U.S. has long been a problem which has recently spawned unconventional technologies and solutions. Three primary strategies recently employed in North America in effort to stem the tide of declining oil production have been identified. These strategies are Unconventional Exploration (Shale and Tight Rock), Optimized Completion/Recompletion, and Old Field Rejuvenation via 3D Geological modeling. Each of these strategies rely on reservoir understanding and unique reservoir characterization utilizing reconnaissance of old well data. Petrophyscial processing integrated with past core data as well as studies of acquired drill cuttings and then coupled with geological understanding provide this reservoir characterization. Through study of the past well data, identification of opportunities and economic driven development can occur. Case studies illustrating the reversal of the oil production decline rate are to be presented.

Spud Basham is Vice President of NuTech Energy Alliance and has been characterizing oil and gas fields and developing exploration strategies for over 30 years. NuTech has been fully engaged in supporting and serving industry clients to this end for 15 years.


The Station Hotel, Aberdeen


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