Aberdeen, UK

AFES Meeting – Advanced Mud Logging – 15th January 2014

Aberdeen Formation Evaluation Society

Meeting info

Advanced Mud logging Meeting at the Station Hotel, Aberdeen. 15th of January at 6.30pm

In the past ten years, significant research and development efforts have been made to advance traditional mud logging techniques. These efforts have been very successful, and thus, currently there is a full range of Advanced Mud Logging (AML) technologies available. These can be used for real time, initial and complete petrophysical interpretation of any well. These include oil or gas, exploration, appraisal or development. They can be applied to conventional (or especially) unconventional reservoirs, and also for very high temperature – high pressure wells, beyond the operating envelope of other tools.

Data acquisition for AML services is in three distinct areas: monitoring and support of drilling operations, advanced cuttings characterisation and high quality mud gas analysis. This presentation will give an overview of the current state of AML technologies, illustrated with examples acquired, and comparisons with wireline, LWD, core and fluid PVT analysis. Some of these examples come from an experimental integrated unit, developed and run under a dedicated advanced research contract with a major operator in the Middle East. With these advances, AML is taking mud logging from its traditional position of underdog amongst the various well site services, to a true game changer, especially for un-conventional work horse potential.


  • Download a Powerpoint file with information relating to the Meeting

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