Aberdeen, UK

AFES Meeting: 11th April, 2018

Aberdeen Formation Evaluation Society

Date: 11th April, 2018

Venue: Cairngorm Room, Station Hotel, 78 Guild Street, Aberdeen, AB11 6GN

Timing: 6pm for 6:30pm

Title: Rock Physics Integration: from Petrophysics to Simulation

Speaker: Mohammed Reza Saberi (Rock Physicist – CGG)


The science of rock physics creates a bridge between elastic properties (e.g. Vs/Vp, seismic, elastic moduli etc.) and reservoir (e.g. porosity, saturation, pressure etc.) and architecture (e.g. laminations, fractures etc.) properties. It also should allow for a reliable prediction and perturbation of seismic response with changes in reservoir conditions. An appropriate rock physics model should be consistent with the available well and core data, and surface and borehole seismic as well as production and reservoir engineering figures. This requires that rock physics act as an integrating tool between different disciplines (Petrophysics, Geophysics, Geomechanics, Geology and Reservoir engineering).

Biography: Reza is a  Rock Physicist and Reservoir Geophysicist with CGG. He has a M.Sc in Petroleum Geosciences (NTNU) and a Ph.D., in Reservoir Geophysics and Rock Physics (University of Bergen). He has 15+ years in the industry and is currently Rock Physics Product Development Manager with CGG.

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