Aberdeen, UK

AFES Committee Meeting 7th of November 2017

Aberdeen Formation Evaluation Society

Location: Ma Cameron’s


  • ED – Edward Downer (President)
  • GB – Greg Blower (Treasurer)
  • SM – Stephen Morris (VP Seminar)
  • JW – Jan van der Wal (Secretary)
  • RA – Richard Arnold (Past President, Quiz Master)
  • JM – Jamie Millar (Sponsorship)
  • JT – Jeremy Titjen (Media Officer)
  • RK – Ross Kingsley (Students Representative)
  • KC – Kostas Christou (Technical Sub-committee)
  • MS – Stephanie Morris (Technical Sub-committee)
  • NC – Neil Cardy (Technical Sub-committee)
  • CL – Craig Lindsay (Technical Sub-committee)


  • JB – John Banks (VP Technology)
  • NB – Nicolas Backert (Technical Sub-committee)
  • CC – Chee Kong Chen (Technical Sub-committee)



  • Welcome
    • ED welcomed all present and after a round of personal introductions discussed Roles & Responsibility of full committee


  • Roles & Responsibility
    • JM – sponsorship.
      • Derrick Littlejohn will retain a supporting role as Charity Officer
      • JM will draft a plan of action with his ideas and discuss with ED
      • JM – will organise a ‘Previous Intelligence Meeting’, with topics to be discussed: how to receive the funds and used phrasing in agreement with our charity status, previous distribution lists and others.
      • Of the AFES Funds about £12k per year is used to sponsor students and events
    • JT – as media officer he will drive the development of the Website, Facebook, and LinkedIn and he will be supported by KC and MS.
    • JW – as Secretary responsible for the meeting minutes, invitations, registrations and essentially is the distributor.
      • Investigate how emails to be sent from secretary@afes.org.uk
      • Take registrations for the Quiz Night
      • Take registrations for seminar
    • RK – as Student representative, mainly responsible to gather interest amongst the student society. Typically, print out the poster and highlight the upcoming events.
    • Technical Sub-committee members: their role is to support the traditional AFES events: Quiz Night, Summer Social, Seminar, and Devex participation
    • SM – VP Seminar. Try to get topic before end of the year.
      • Action Point: all please contact SM directly with ideas for seminar
    • GB – As Treasurer Greg is responsible for the finances.
      • He will have a handover with past treasurer Peter Yule in coming weeks.
      • Received from ED the at-the-door earnings
      • Will investigate options for handheld payment options for upcoming Quiz Night
    • JB (not present) – as VP Technical, John is responsible for filling the technical program with speakers, arranging the venues
    • (Not discussed: NB – Nicolas Backert, part of the Technical Sub-committee and handles requests for sponsoring, and funding)
  • The status of the website was discussed in more detail:
    • JT did a review and prepared list of issues to address
    • All recognise the website is out-of-date
    • Website needs to be updated with new biographies and photographs (landscape 3:1).
    • All support idea to post presentations as pdf on website
    • Will put Chapter News on the website
    • Tegwyn Perkins (TP) offered his support in updating the website, and indicated the committee is to provide the input, preferably in readily insert-able text. TP and JT have already started communications
  • KC: LinkedIn is currently a closed group – perhaps this can be opened. This is currently being investigated
  • Quiz Night
    • Being organised by RA
    • All profits to go to the ARCHIE Foundation
    • Date Thursday 30 November 2017
    • Cost £30 per team including buffet & free drinks (Bronze).
    • Discussed Silver and Gold tables, with benefits, like better access to the bar and snacks
    • Looking for Raffle Prizes – please bring something, and all try to get our companies involved
    • Program will include Business Card Raffle
    • Cash prizes for first, second, and third place
    • Additional support to Richard on the day is very welcome (selling raffle tickets, potentially additional attention of the silver and golden tables)
    • Registration process to open soon, JW to collate registrations (JW will investigate a file on the ‘cloud’)
  • Next Committee meeting: Tuesday 5 December

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