Aberdeen, UK

AFES Meeting – Generate value from ditched materials: QEMSCAN analysis of cuttings

Aberdeen Formation Evaluation Society

Ditch cuttings represent a hugely underutilized resource that QEMSCAN analysis can transform into value generating data. Traditional challenges to working with cuttings are overcome using FEI’s iDiscover software.  Formation properties are isolated from drilling mud contaminants by ‘digital washing’ of the images and data.  Whole rock formation porosity, mineralogy and other properties can be estimated by careful sample preparation and analysis to exclude incorrect data resulting from bit damage.  Individual cuttings in a sample are lithotyped based on mineralogical-textural characteristics, and by examination of the logs, can be recombined to provide a continuous log of formation specific data.

Jenny Omma is Chief Geologist at Rocktype, a geological technology consultancy specialising in QEMSCAN analysis to the oil & gas industry.  She co-founded Rocktype in 2014 to revolutionise the field of rock characterization.  Prior to Rocktype, Jenny spent 5 years as a Reservoir Quality Analyst and Geologist with BP, working a number of basins, including the North Sea.  She completed a PhD in sediment provenance analysis of Arctic reservoirs at CASP, a geological consultancy in Cambridge, and during this time worked as a wellsite heavy minerals analyst on the BP Clair Field with Andy Morton of HM Research Associates.

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