Aberdeen, UK

Application for PhD Funding

Aberdeen Formation Evaluation Society

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Please note – this form is to be submitted by PhD students who have a petrophysical element of their PhD project and who wish to be considered for partial funding by AFES.  Any awards will be at the discretion of the AFES committee. Funding is intended to be used by the recipient on relevant expenditures, e.g. fieldtrips, conferences, travel expenses.

PhD funding applications are open from September to December.

Please be aware that AFES would like you to present a poster or short talk at one of our evening lectures.  We would also like to encourage attendance at our lectures and our other events and would like you to keep in touch!  For more information visit the AFES website at: www.afes.org.uk

Contact Information

University Information

Supervisor names and email addresses

Please provide details of at least one supervisor
If available
If available

Previous academic studies

Please describe your first/second degrees - which University, what degree awarded, grade and dates.

Research Details

If you do not have a title yet please include a one-line description
What is the aim of the PhD, what datasets are you working with, etc, which company is supplying data etc.
i.e. how you are using core/log data etc.

Additional Information

Please give brief details of where, when, job title, etc.
State None if not receiving any additional funding
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Please attach a copy of your current CV/Resume