Meeting info
AFES is proud to offer its membership the chance to visit Schlumberger Wireline Base in Dyce on the 17th of March to undertake a tour of the facilities and get up-close to the tools. Places will be limited so we encourage all members who
are interested in this opportunity to register their interest by emailing James Patton (
An outline of the itinerary is below:
Monday 17th March
0900 Arrival, safety introduction and coffee
0930 Introduction to reservoir characterization.
1130 Break & discussions
1145 Lunch & PPE Issued (Lunch provided by Schlumberger)
1230 Base (tools) Tour
1430 Finish & Depart
Those who have Steel Toe Cap boots would be advised to bring these with them as PPE supplies at the location are limited.
Maps and full details will follow, but those interested should register their interest ASAP.