Aberdeen, UK

AFES Meeting: 16th January, 2019

Aberdeen Formation Evaluation Society

Abstract: At the end of the production life of a field, it is mandatory to abandon the well(s) to avoid the escape of formation fluids to surface and maintain well integrity. Appropriate barriers (mechanical or natural) are required across various intervals with flow potential for safe abandonment. At times, remedial operations such as perf-wash and/or section milling may be required to restore barrier integrity. This paper presents how salt can be used as a barrier for zonal isolation. Various case studies in this paper demonstrate the behaviour of salt around the casing and approaches used to evaluate its capability to act as a natural barrier.

Biography: David started his career with Schlumberger Oilfield Services in 2000 where he held numerous management and technical positions in the company. He worked as Petrophysics Domain Champion in Aberdeen and was responsible for wireline data acquisition and interpretation support for UK, Holland and Denmark geographical areas. He later joined Schlumberger Consultancy group (GPE) which provided integrated reservoir management support to clients in Europe, Asia and Africa as Reservoir Petrophysicist. David currently works for Spirit Energy, overseeing all aspects of petrophysics in UK and the Netherlands. He holds Master’s degree in Petroleum Engineering from Herriot Watt University, Edinburgh, UK.

Aberdeen Formation Evaluation Society is a registered Scottish Charity. Charity number SC039526


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