Aberdeen, UK

AFES 2018 Seminar – Formation Testing

Aberdeen Formation Evaluation Society

This seminar aims to clarify concepts we all thought we knew, and trigger discussions about Formation Testing.

Date: Wednesday 25th April 2018 – All Day
Location: Station Hotel, Guild Street, Aberdeen

Cost: £70 if paid in advance, or £70 at the door
Start Program: 09:00 Coffee/Registration, 9:30 Kick-Off

Speaker/poster presenters at the seminar include:
Michael Byrne – Remke Ellis – Hafiz Hamzah – Adriaan Gisolf – Fernan Rodriguez – Tushar Patil – Craig Lindsay – Mariel Reitsma – Alfredo Freites

Determining Reservoir Layer Pressures and Behind Pipe Flow Profile – Pore Pressure Calibration in Very Low Mobility Formations – “Wherefore art thou Free Water Level?” Introducing The HYDROPHILIC Probe – Advances in Quantification of Miscible Contamination in Hydrocarbon and Water Samples From Downhole to Surface Laboratories – Real-time Fluid Mapping While Drilling Service Enhances Identification and Validation of Downhole Fluids – PoroPerm effect on measured pressure – An integratal piece of the puzzle: How advanced gas analysis compliments petrophysical data – Macro Insights from Mini-DST’s: Deriving Key Near-Well-bore fracture parameters in a light oil reservoir in the Barents Sea

For registration and payment details, please contact:
stephanie.morris@bhge.com or stephen.morris@bhge.com

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