Aberdeen, UK

AFES Meeting: 13th March, 2019

Aberdeen Formation Evaluation Society



Recent developments in LWD imaging technology have enable the acquisition of high-resolution acoustic borehole image logs in both water-based and oil-based mud.  The upgraded tool records acoustic amplitude, travel-time and sensor spatial position data in high frequency, from which it is possible to make borehole images with 256 azimuthal sector sampling.  Additionally, from the travel-time data and mud properties, we can calculate a high-resolution representation of borehole shape.  Examples of applications based on high-resolution acoustic images and borehole shape are shown, including:formation properties, structural dip & fracture characterisation, sedimentological interpretation, borehole shape, time-lapse logging & geomechanical stability. Petrophysical and geological applications form an important part of the service portfolio from these images.  Significantly though, the use of these data for fast turn-around borehole shape and stability applications is regarded as a significant growth opportunity as a new service.


Stephen Morris is a geologist and studied geology & environmental pollution science at The University of Glamorgan.  In 1998 he was awarded a PhD in sedimentology, specialising in turbidites, from Cardiff University.  Since then he has worked as a consultant geologist before joining legacy Baker Hughes (now BHGE) in 2001 as a borehole image log interpreter.  He specialises in LWD borehole image logs and has worked in the global geoscience group in Houston, USA where he was involved in tool and interpretation applications development projects.  Recently he has transferred to UK region and works on commercial interpretation of LWD image logs.  He also currently serves as Vice President for Seminars with AFES.

Aberdeen Formation Evaluation Society is a registered Scottish Charity. Charity number SC039526


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