Aberdeen, UK


Aberdeen Formation Evaluation Society


26th March 2019

Minutes of meeting


G Blower, J Banks, K Constantinos, E Downer, D Denison, N Cardy, C Lindsay


M Ferris, S Morrison, S Morris, Chee Kong, J Titjen, E Heydari, R Arnold


Agenda point – Database, membership and survey monkey update, comments and results.

Discussed – Survey now closed.   156 member, 21 mailing list only, 205 respondents. This list is now much smaller than the original list, but it is up to date, with ‘real’ email addresses. Question was raised as to how this compares with regional SPWLA (GB has asked M Webster at SPWLA).


Agenda point – BHGE evening seminar care of Stephen Morris went well. Photos/slides on website?

Discussed – photos uploaded to website, slides are confidential.


Agenda point – Upcoming full day seminar:

Discussed – proposed to 11th September (Wednesday). Offshore Europe (3-6th sept) is active although not thought to detract. AFES’s Stephen Morris will thus begin to organise.  Suggested change of theme to ‘saturation height modelling’ – suggested by CL. CL will confirm with GB by end of week.


Agenda point – Field trip – 30th May.       Highland boundary fault, Stonehaven. Flyer on website. Has this been released via email?

Discussed – Flyer not emailed out – MF to email out field trip flyer asap. GB and SM to visit Stonehaven to risk assess. Date of this ‘recce’ to be suggested by SM.


Agenda point – Students/Universities and AFES funding:

PhD Student grants (£1000) & MSc student grants (£500). Applicants?

Discussed – applicants should start to arrive as Summer projects now assigned. The deadline stated on website is useful for AFES committee to budget on a known number of applicants received in a small time period.


Agenda point – Query: Student funding to Scottish Universities only, prize (what exactly is the prize) to UK wide?

Discussed – AFES generally support Scotland (and Leicester Uni for historical reasons). LPS generally support the South. Prize is only for IPG course at UofA and thus GB will re-word website to avoid confusion.


Agenda point – 2019 best student is Wei Wei Jong. A cheque will be awarded at AFES Seminar May seminar..? (£250). Gift (trophy) will be organised by JB.

Discussed point – Wei wei to receive cheque and trophy at 11th Sept seminar. GB offered to pay Wei wei the money prior to this as it is accepted the delay is now significant. Trophy is arriving 12th April from House of Crystal, West Yorks, care of ED.


Agenda point –  Student relationships – GB to ask ED etc how to engage best with students

Discussed point – GB needs to speak with Geoff Page prior to the September student intake.


Agenda point –  SL also mentioned an out-of-date large AFES trophy at UofA.

Discussed point – GB has written letter to UofA to request release of trophy. SL will give to GB and GB will see it is updated and dusted off, then return to UofA via SL.


Agenda point –  JB suggested that GeoBus was previously sponsored by AFES. GeoBus now closed, but ESTA now in its place. ESTA (https://earthscience.org.uk) require funds to assist in Scottish based workshops ((i.e. where a geology teacher goes to a school to tech the teachers how to teach geology)). This is seen as a very long term investment for earth sciences.

Discussed point – all committee agreed to donate £750 to ESTA. NC will make payment, JB will provide payment details of ESTA. JB: Could ESTA make some sort of brief presentation at an evening seminar if logistically practical?


Agenda point –  Charity –       The Archie charity cheque (£1000) will also be donated at Devex. GB will arrange details of when/how to present cheque,

Discussed point – RA will contact Archie Foundation for person to collect cheque at Devex


Agenda point –  Website status – GB has been working with Tegwyn and Jeremy to update website.       Please browse website and let GB know of any issues or problems.


Agenda point –  SPWLA current status – Membership list now generated.

Discussed point – GB ED RA JB to have dedicated SPWLA meeting to refresh and update on recent issues. This can then be put to a membership vote at an EGM. EGM ideally held alongside a regular evening seminar


Agenda point –  2019 evening talks. Stephanie mentioned we are now fully booked for evening talks until the end of the year, these to include:

  • Student ‘warms up’ sessions
  • November talk by Manesh (SLB) – advanced gas analysis

Discussed point – can Steph M update GB with planned talks, dates, and how student warm up sessions going


Committee on the move – Kostas (KC) to support and then take over from MF

Monies – ~£1000 current account.   ~£63000 savings


Sponsorship       – John is overseeing AFES sponsorship. JB will chase various companies for sponsorship. Larger companies expected to donate more than smaller. Read CHole, Gaia and recently WFT have sponsored. GB has contacts for IS and PetroMac. BHGE sponsorship end. Corex ‘in kind’ for the evening seminar gifts

Discussed point – Website is up to date with current sponsors logos, as will be evening seminar slides thanking current sponsors


Discussed point – Devex  –       KC expressed interest in organising a simple stand (i.e a poster) at Devex and manning this stand. GB will be at Devex to support manning the stand. GB has asked Devex to confirm stand is free and manning is also free entry.


Next meeting and AOB.

Next committee meeting – MF to suggest date and email out this suggested time slot to committee for next April meeting.

There was mention of updating venue away from Station Hotel to possibly underground venue at Brewdog (Union Street).

Also mentioned was the need for some ‘back to basics’ talks to appeal to entry level / students – potential to tag onto an evening seminar session?

Student / YP event – thought about a Summer social / hog roast but with a twist towards YP/students. This could assist in mentoring, networking, career development, interview skills etc. Needs refinement to this idea.


2 Responses

  1. Greg says:

    Good meeting, thanks to all present and their input.

  2. Greg says:

    Thanks to all attending

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