Aberdeen, UK


Aberdeen Formation Evaluation Society


Wednesday 20th February 2019

Minutes of Meeting


Chair – Greg Blower (generated MoM)

Chee Kong Chen

Morris, Stephen

Damien Dennison

Ebrahim Heydari

Kostas Christou

Neil Cardy

Richard Arnold

Sean Little

John Banks


Openfield/Read evening seminar 13th Feb.       Success. 30 folk in room. Read will pay – thanks. NC will organize payment with CKC (Read). JT will post the photos on the website.

Upcoming seminar – Theme chosen (Petrophysics in late life/mature fields), abstract flyer out. Crowne Plaza booked 24th April. Cut off for event is 27th February (because this is a booking deadline for the venue). Michelle (MF) to re-issue ‘call for abstracts flyer’ for 3rd time, stressing the deadline date of 27th Feb to the recipients of the flyer. GB will speak with SM on 27th February and make a decision to delay, cancel or commit to running the event on 24th April.

RA JB DD EH NC etc will also pursue potentially interested parties through their networks.

Field trip – 30th May. Highland boundary fault, Stonehaven. Flyer has been generated by SM and approved by committee.       MF will then issue flyer to our distribution list, and will post flyer on the AFES website.

£10 per person, (£5 students) – profits to Archie charity. GB and SM will take a risk assessment trip to the site a few weeks prior to the field trip and note any issues or concerns in terms of HSE.

There is likely to be some from the committee travelling by train from ABZ to Stonehaven


PhD Student grants (£1000) – Raisya Noor Pertiwi approved for £1000, and has been paid, Ms Pertiwi thanked AFES via an email to EH.


MSc student grants (£500) – SL mentioned there would (should) be a number of applications arriving to AFES shortly as project titles/themes for students were now available. The website should now be updated and able to offer suitable word documents for applicants to fill in and return to ‘funding @afes.org.uk’ (which goes to GB and EH)


2019 best student is Wei Wei Jong. A cheque will be awarded at AFES Seminar 24th April (£250) (not Devex as initially scheduled). Gift (trophy) will be organised by JB. SL also mentioned an out-of-date large AFES trophy at UofA. SL will return to GB and GB will oversee getting this updated with last few years petrophysics prize winners.


The Archie charity cheque (£1000) will also be donated at Devex. GB will arrange details of when/how to present cheque, RA will contact Archie Foundation.


Membership list – 742 names on AFES membership


Website status – GB has been working with Tegwyn and Jeremy to update website. This includes the funding page. Please let GB know if there are any issues with website – it should now be a little more up to date. EH suggested adding more slides to the ‘events’ page to fully advertise and inform our readers of upcoming events. GB will investigate this.


SPWLA current status – The AFES membership needs to vote on the new SPWLA charter. However, AFES do not have a membership (we simply have a mailing list).       So, a membership list needs to be generated from the mailing list most likely using a ‘survey monkey’ type survey. Once a membership list is generated a vote can then be sent out to the (new) AFES members. WIP.


2019 evening talks. Stephanie mentioned we are now fully booked for evening talks until the end of the year, these to include:

  • Potential talk on Geosteering – mentioned by Damien. Damien to discuss this with Stephanie.
  • Stephanie has current Devex list of speakers as a resource
  • Gaia Earth on wireline sticking mitigation
  • Student ‘warms up’ sessions

Committee on the move – KC will stand in for MF due to maternity leave. NC now Treasurer. GB now President

Monies – finances are good, although the savings are historic from previous Devex conferences. AFES is in good position to fund multiple students.

John is overseeing AFES sponsorship. JB will chase various companies for sponsorship, and is creating a brochure to support sponsorship requests. Larger companies expected to donate more than smaller.

Devex – GB mentioned to the team that Devex 2020 will be hosted by AFES’s Ed Downer. GB mention the committee is potentially open to AFES committee members – great to be involved in Devex, and great networking opportunities.

LPS – GB mentioned that AFES will try to work in coordination with LPS, co-advertising the other parties events etc. LPS are our ‘sister’ organisation and we will try to work together as and when. Please also be aware of LPS’s evening and full day seminars down in central London which are great events and excuse to get a trip to London.

Next meeting… will be a Tuesday late March

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