Aberdeen, UK


Aberdeen Formation Evaluation Society

AFES Committee Meeting Minutes
17th July 2018


  • ED – Ed Downer (President)
  • RA – Richard Arnold (Past President)
  • GB – Greg Blower (Greg Blower)
  • JB – John Banks (VP Technical, Lectures)
  • SM – Stephen Morris (VP Technical, Seminars)
  • CL – Craig Lindsay (Sub-Committee)
  • NC – Neil Cardy (Sub-Committee)
  • CC – Cheekong Chen (Sub Committee)


  • MF – Michelle Ferris (Secretary)
  • JM – Jamie Miller (Sponsorship)
  • RK- Ross Kingsley (Student Rep)
  • Empty Position (Universities Liaison Officer)
  • SM – Stephanie Morris (Digital Communications)
  • JT – Jeremy Titjen (Sub-Committee)


Topics Discussed:

Annual SPWLA Symposium 2018

  • Well attended
  • Good talks, however the consensus was that it should have more practical papers being presented
  • SPWLA Charter discussed amongst the European Chapters and

SPWLA Charter

  • JB attended SPWLA where European Chapter met with the SPWLA Board/reps
    • LPS picked holes in charter – e.g. GDPR responsibilities
    • New charter will be drawn up
    • SPWLA has 2-3 years money in bank if they continue the way they operate
      • AFES should be wary of closer association with SPWLA in particular any financial tie in
    • European chapters had discussions around a loose European association
      • Remain independent organisations
      • Closer cooperation with our European chapters
      • Loose access to European distinguished lecturers
  • AFES Special Committee split
  • Will vote on new charter at AGM in October
  • ED to chase up SPWLA for new charter


  • Strong program this year
  • £6543 should be coming to AFES from DEVEX
  • Increased revenue
    • Successful 350-360 /day attended
    • Increased operator involvement
    • Not much engagement from service companies
  • Henk, PESGB, has put together the funding proposal for 2019
    • Hybrid of last 2-3 years
    • Next year will introduce a fee
    • Mearns and Gill tasked with more sponsorship
  • 2020
    • Where will it be held?
    • Rates?
    • AFES’ turn
  • RA to step down from committee


  • GB stated AFES financial position (£63K in account, £7K in CAF)
  • Sally Morgan – Leicester University, to receive £1000 funding
    • Agreed by AFES committee
    • GB to action
  • Station Hotel
    • No financial reason to change
    • Sandwiches often left over
    • Seminars – bill for coffee etc. high (over-catering)
      • Action: to better specify requirements


  • Committee agreed that AFES members should re-register each year
  • AFES need updated GDPR policy
  • MF to action

Petrophysics Prize

  • The Donald Keir Prize for Petrophysics
    • University has main tablet
    • RA to pick up tablet to get altered/engraved/updated with prize winners


  • Venue
    • JB to book Aberdeen Town house again
    • JB to advise of date
  • Off Topic Talk
    • Potential speeches
    • JB contact – Lawyer
    • ED – possibility: Lorna Dawson. She is the head of the Soil Forensics group at the James Hutton Institute. Spoke at PESGB.
    • JB to take lead
  • Charter Vote
    • Vote will happen on whether to accept or reject the SPWLA Charter
    • ED to obtain new charter from SPWLA and Special Committee to meet for one final time
    • ED to advertise Special Committee position to AFES Committee, membership, encourage AGM attendance ahead of AGM
  • Committee Positions Opening
    • DEVEX Representative (new position to be voted into the constitution)
    • Media Officer (new name/change of responsibility. To be voted into the constitution) – Stephanie Morris holds position and will need voted in
    • VP Technology, Lectures
    • University Liaison Officer
    • Secretary – Michelle Ferris holds position and will need voted in
    • Sponsorship
    • Student Rep – ED to present to new students and solicit a vote to be ratified at AGM
    • Technical Sub-Committee – 2 positions
      • Would be good to get operator representation/diversity
      • Total, Shell, BP? JB to contact


  • Field Trip / AFES Social
    • Stonehaven
    • SM to help organise
    • Potential names to contact
      • Jim Ritchie (ex-Senergy)
      • Peter Craig
    • PPE required (hard hats, high vis) – approach university/service companies to loan?
  • SPWLA awards
    • JB to contact Mike Webster
    • Proposals/nominations

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