Abstract: Borehole image logs are widely used for lithofacies characterization, structural analysis and geomechanics. Until recently, obtaining high-resolution images in oil-base mud while drilling has been challenging. This has been overcome by a new LWD tool which implements a dual physics approach (including both resistivity and ultrasonic images). The methods used to acquire these images is summarized. A series of examples are shown from a wide variety of drilling and formation environments, including clastics, carbonates and evaporites highlightling the potential of the complimentary images for interpretation.
Biography: Carlos Maeso is a geology advisor with Schlumberger, currently based in Clamart, near Paris. He is currently working in engineering, supporting the development of LWD tools (such as the dual oil base mud imager) and the advancement of the interpretation of borehole geology. During his 22 years with Schlumberger he has worked in many locations around the world (Aberdeen, Houston, Middles East and Far East) mainly supporting the interpretation of LWD measurements. Prior to joining Schlumberger Carlos worked for 13 years at Robertson Research in Aberdeen.
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